Friday, February 12, 2010

Arrogant Ass in the White House

Does this photo taken in the Oval Office convey anything to you about attitude and arrogance?

Would you speak with the Chief of Staff, your Chief Economics Adviser, and your Senior Adviser with your feet up on the Resolute Desk - a gift from Queen Victoria to President Rutherford B. Hayes in 1880?

We should inundate the White House with emails demanding he keep his feet off of our furniture.

This arrogant, immature, self-centered idiot demonstrates repeatedly that he has no sense of honor, or of simple decency.

While this posture is disrespectful in any culture, it is absolutely never done in any executive setting.

In over half of the cultures of the world, it is recognized not only as disrespectful, but as an extreme insult to show the bottom of your shoes. In some cultures it could also get you killed!

He thinks of himself as a king -- and not as a servant of the people, humbly occupying our White House for his term in office.

This guy is a real piece of work....


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