Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Americans are rejecting Obama!

Gallup Poll: Conservatism on the Rise in America

For the first time since 2004, conservatives outnumber moderates and liberals.
The Gallup organization shows 40 percent of Americans describe themselves as politically conservative, 36 percent moderate and 20 percent liberal. David Almasi, executive director of The National Center for Public Policy Research, said people have seen a liberal administration at work during the past 10 months. "This could be a wakeup call for the liberal politicians," he said, "who think that they had a blank check to do whatever they wanted for the next two to four years."

The Republican victories in the races for New Jersey and Virginia governors put the party in a stronger position to turn back the political wave President Obama unleashed last year, setting the stage for Republicans to raise money, recruit candidates and ride the excitement of an energized base as the party heads into next year’s midterm elections.

The coalition that swept Obama into the White House was absent on Tuesday night, with evidence that the young, African-American and first-time voters who supported Mr. Obama failed to turn out to help the Democrats Mr. Obama had campaigned for: Gov. Jon S. Corzine in New Jersey and R. Creigh Deeds in Virginia.

Independent voters who had flocked to Mr. Obama in Virginia and New Jersey last year shifted on Tuesday to the Republican candidates in both states, Christopher J. Christie in New Jersey and Robert F. McDonnell in Virginia, according to exit polls in both states. That is a swing that will certainly be noted by moderate Congressional Democrats facing re-election next year, who may now be more reluctant to support Mr. Obama on tough votes in Congress.

Now, there is Hope for Change!

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