Friday, March 14, 2014

Just plain simple facts in graph form.

Please look at this information and share with everyone you know. We must turn this country around!

The facts speak for themselves. If we don't have a huge change of direction in this election and that of 2016...America is done, we simply can't survive on the path we are on today!

America needs a total attitude adjustment!!!

Rome could not or would not change, can we?

Monday, March 10, 2014

Famous Presidential Lies

Famous Presidential Lies
Written by, To The Point News
  • We were attacked (in the Gulf of Tonkin )
  • I am not a crook
GHW Bush:
  • Read my lips - No New Taxes
  • I did not have sex with that woman... Miss Lewinski
GW Bush:
  • Iraq has weapons of mass destruction
  • I will have the most transparent administration in history.
  • The stimulus will fund shovel-ready jobs.
  • I am focused like a laser on creating jobs.
  • The IRS is not targeting anyone.
  • It was a spontaneous riot about a movie.
  • If I had a son.
  • I will put an end to the type of politics that "breeds division, conflict and cynicism".
  • You didn't build that!
  • I will restore trust in Government.
  • The Cambridge cops acted stupidly.
  • The public will have 5 days to look at every bill that lands on my desk
  • It's not my red line - it is the world's red line.
  • Whistle blowers will be protected in my administration.
  • We got back every dime we used to rescue the banks and auto companies, with interest.
  • I am not spying on American citizens.
  • Obama Care will be good for America .
  • You can keep your family doctor.
  • Premiums will be lowered by $2500.
  • If you like it, you can keep your current healthcare plan.
  • It's just like shopping at Amazon.
  • I knew nothing about "Fast and Furious" gunrunning to Mexican drug cartels.
  • I knew nothing about IRS targeting conservative groups.
  • I knew nothing about what happened in Benghazi .
  • I have never known my uncle from Kenya who is in the country illegally and that was arrested and told to leave the country over 20 years ago.
  • And, I have never lived with that uncle.  He finally admitted (12-05-2013) that he DID know his uncle and that he DID live with him.
And the biggest one of all:
  • "I, Barrack Hussein Obama, pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America ."
I believe we have a winner!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

4 Simple Questions about Obama

1.. Back in 1961 people of color were called 'Negroes.' So how can the Obama 'birth certificate' state he is "African-American" when the term wasn't even used at that time ?
2.. The birth certificate that the White House released lists Obama's birth as August 4, 1961 & Lists Barack Hussein Obama as his father. No big deal, Right ? At the time of Obama's birth, it also shows that his father is aged
25 years old, and that Obama's father was born in "Kenya , East Africa ".
This wouldn't seem like anything of concern, except the fact that Kenya did not even exist until 1963, two whole years after Obama's birth, and 27 years after his father's birth. How could Obama's father have been born in a country that did not yet Exist? Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963, it was known as the "British East Africa Protectorate". (check it below) (

3.. On the Birth Certificate released by the White House, the listed place of birth is "Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital". This cannot be, because the hospital(s) in question in 1961 were called "KauiKeolani Children's Hospital" and "Kapi'olani Maternity Home", respectively. The name did not change to Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until 1978, when these two hospitals merged. How can this particular name of the hospital be on a birth certificate dated 1961 if this name had not yet been applied to it until 1978? (CHECK IT BELOW)

Why hasn't this been discussed in the major media ?

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Learn to speak Chinese, you are going to need it !

Chinese Supremacy

This article, aimed at a US audience, gives a scary insight into China's growing economic power.
A Little Known Reality.
June 8, 2013. Source: Michael Snyder, Guest Post
In future China will employ millions of American workers and dominate thousands of small communities all
Over the United States. Chinese acquisition of U.S. Businesses set a new all-time record last year, and it is
On pace to shatter that record this year.

The Smithfield Foods acquisition is an example.  Smithfield Foods is the largest pork producer and processor
In the world.  It has facilities in 26 U.S. States and it employs tens of thousands of Americans.  It directly owns 
460 farms and has contracts with approximately 2,100 others.  But now a Chinese company has bought it for
$ 4.7 billion, and that means that the Chinese will now be the most important employer in dozens of rural
Communities all over America.

Thanks in part to our massively bloated trade deficit with China, the Chinese have trillions of dollars to spend.
They are only just starting to exercise their economic muscle.

It is important to keep in mind that there is often not much of a difference between “the Chinese government”
And “Chinese corporations”.  In 2011, 43 percent of all profits in China were produced by companies where the
Chinese government had a controlling interest in.

Last year a Chinese company spent $2.6 billion to purchase AMC entertainment – one of the largest movie theater
Chains in the United States.  Now that Chinese company controls more movie ticket sales than anyone else in the world.

But China is not just relying on acquisitions to expand its economic power.  “Economic beachheads” are being
Established all over America.  For example, Golden Dragon Precise Copper Tube Group, Inc. Recently broke ground
On a $100 million plant in Thomasville, Alabama.  Many of the residents of Thomasville, Alabama will be glad to have
Jobs, but it will also become yet another community that will now be heavily dependent on communist China.

And guess where else Chinese companies are putting down roots? Detroit. Chinese-owned companies are investing in
American businesses and new vehicle technology, selling everything from seat belts to shock absorbers in retail stores,
And hiring experienced engineers and designers in an effort to soak up the talent and expertise of domestic automakers
And their suppliers. If you recently purchased an “American-made” vehicle, there is a really good chance that it has a
Number of Chinese parts in it. Industry analysts are hard-pressed to put a number on the Chinese suppliers operating in
The United States.
China seems particularly interested in acquiring energy resources in the United States.  For example,  China is actually
Mining for coal in the mountains of Tennessee.  Guizhou Gouchuang Energy Holdings Group spent 616 million dollars
To acquire Triple H Coal Co. In Jacksboro, Tennessee.  At the time, that acquisition really didn’t make much news, but now
A group of conservatives in Tennessee is trying to stop the Chinese from blowing up their mountains and taking their coal.

And pretty soon China may want to build entire cities in the United States just like they have been doing in other countries.
Right now China is actually building a city larger than Manhattan just outside Minsk, the capital of Belarus.
Are you starting to get the picture? China is on the rise. If you doubt this, just read the following:
# When you total up all imports and exports, China is now the number one trading nation on the entire planet.
# Overall, the U.S. has run a trade deficit with China over the past decade that comes to more than 2.3 trillion dollars.
# China has more foreign currency reserves than anyone else on the planet.
# China now has the largest new car market in the entire world.
# China now produces more than twice as many automobiles as the United States does. After being bailed out by
U.S. taxpayers, GM is involved in 11 joint ventures with Chinese companies.
# China is the number one gold producer in the world.
# The uniforms for the U.S. Olympic team were made in China.
# 85% of all artificial Christmas trees the world over are made in China.
# The new World Trade Center tower in New York is going to include glass imported from China.
# China now consumes more energy than the United States does.
# China is now in aggregate the leading manufacturer of goods in the entire world.
# China uses more cement than the rest of the world combined.
# China is now the number one producer of wind and solar power on the entire globe.
# China produces 3 times as much coal and 11 times as much steel as the United States does.
# China produces more than 90 percent of the global supply of rare earth elements.
# China is now the number one supplier of components that are critical to the operation of any national defense system.
# In published scientific research articles China is expected to become number one in the world very shortly.
And what we have seen so far may just be the tip of the iceberg. For now, I will just leave you with one piece of advice -
Learn to speak Chinese, you are going to need it !

Monday, February 24, 2014

A must read; Betrayal in Benghazi

Colonel Phil "Hands" Handley is credited with the highest speed air- to-air gun kill in the history of aerial combat. He flew operationally for all but 11 months of a 26-year career, in aircraft such as the F-86 Sabre, F-15 Eagle, and the C-130A Hercules. Additionally, he flew 275 combat missions during two tours in Southeast Asia in the F-4D and F-4E. His awards include 21 Air Medals, 3 Distinguished Flying Crosses, and the Silver Star.

Here is what Col. Handley wrote in response to Panetta and Dempsey's claims there was no time to send help to Benghazi
 Betrayal in Benghazi
Phil "Hands" Handley Colonel, USAF (Ret.)
The combat code of the US Military is that we don't abandon our dead or wounded on the battlefield. In US Air Force lingo, fighter pilots don't run off and leave their wingmen. If one of our own is shot down, still alive and not yet in enemy captivity, we will either come to get him or die trying. 
Among America 's fighting forces, the calm, sure knowledge that such an irrevocable bond exists is priceless. Along with individual faith and personal grit, it is a sacred trust that has often sustained hope in the face of terribly long odds.

The disgraceful abandonment of our Ambassador and those brave ex-SEAL's who fought to their deaths to save others in that compound is nothing short of dereliction-of-duty.
Additionally, the patently absurd cover-up scenario that was fabricated in the aftermath was an outright lie in an attempt to shield the President and the Secretary of State from responsibility.

It has been over eight months since the attack on our compound in Benghazi . The White House strategy, with the aid of a "lap dog" press has been to run out the clock before the truth is forthcoming.

The recent testimonies of the three "whistle blowers" have reopened the subject and hopefully will lead to exposure and disgrace of those responsible for this embarrassing debacle. It would appear that the most recent firewall which the Administration is counting on is the contention "that there were simply no military assets that could be brought to bear in time to make a difference" mainly due to the unavailability of tanker support for fighter aircraft.

This is simply Bull Shit, regardless how many supposed "experts" the Administration trot out to make such an assertion.

 The bottom line is that even if the closest asset capable of response was half-way around the world, you don't just sit on your penguin ass and do nothing.
The fact is that the closest asset was not half-way around the world, but as near as Aviano Air Base , Italy where two squadrons of F-16Cs are based.
Consider the following scenario (all times Benghazi local): When Hicks in Tripoli receives a call at 9:40 PM from Ambassador Stevens informing him "Greg, we are under attack!" (his last words), Hicks immediately notifies all agencies and prepares for the immediate initiation of an existing "Emergency Response Plan."
At AFRICON, General Carter Ham attempts to mount a rescue effort, but is told to "stand down". By 10:30 PM an unarmed drone is overhead the compound and streaming live feed to various "Command and Control Agencies" so everyone watching that feed knew damn well what was going on.
At 11:30 PM Woods, Doherty and five others leave Tripoli, arriving in Benghazi at 1:30 AM on Wednesday morning, where they hold off the attacking mob from the roof of the compound until they are killed by a mortar direct hit at 4:00 AM.
So nothing could have been done, eh? Nonsense. If one assumes that tanker support really "was not available" what about this:
When at 10:00 PM AFRICON alerts the 31st TFW Command Post in Aviano Air Base, Italy of the attack, the Wing Commander orders preparation for the launch of two F-16s and advises the Command Post at NAS Sigonella to prepare for hot pit refueling and quick turn of the jets.
By 11:30 PM, two F-16Cs with drop tanks and each armed with five hundred 20 MM rounds are airborne. Flying at 0.92 mach they will cover the 522 nautical miles directly to NAS Sigonella in 1.08 hours. While in-route, the flight lead is informed of the tactical situation, rules of engagement, and radio frequencies to use.
The jets depart Sigonella at 1:10 AM with full fuel load and cover the 377 nautical miles directly to Benghazi in 0.8 hours, arriving at 1:50 AM which would be 20 minutes after the arrival of Woods, Doherty and their team.
Providing that the two F-16s initial pass over the mob, in full afterburner at 200 feet and 550 knots did not stop the attack in its tracks, a few well placed strafing runs on targets of opportunity would assuredly do the trick.
Were the F-16s fuel state insufficient to return to Sigonelli after jettisoning their external drop tanks, they could easily do so at Tripoli International Airport , only one-half hour away.
As for those hand-wringing naysayers who would worry about IFR clearances, border crossing authority, collateral damage, landing rights, political correctness and dozens of other reasons not to act -- screw them. It is time our "leadership" get its priorities straight and put America 's interests first.
The end result would be that Woods and Doherty would be alive. Dozens in the attacking rabble would be rendezvousing with "72 virgins" and a clear message would have been sent to the next worthless P.O.S. terrorist contemplating an attack on Americans that it is not really a good idea to "tug" on Superman's cape.
Of course all this depends upon a Commander In Chief more concerned with saving the lives of those he put in harm's way than getting his crew rested for a campaign fund raising event in Las Vegas the next day. It also depends upon a Secretary of State who actually understood "What difference did it make?", and a Secretary of Defense who was watching the feed from the drone and understood what the attack consisted of instead of making an immediate response that "One of the military tenants is that you don't commit assets until you fully understand the tactical situation."

Ultimately it comes down to the question of who gave that order to stand down? Whoever that coward turns out to be should be exposed, removed from office, and face criminal charges for dereliction of duty. The combat forces of the United States of America deserve leadership that really does "have their back" when the chips are down.


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The stroy behind the Obamacare website

Michelle Obama's Princeton classmate is a top executive at the company that earned the no-bid contract to build the disastrous Obamacare website.

Toni Townes-Whitley, Princeton class of '85, is senior vice president at Canadian company CGI Federal, which earned the no-bid contract to build the so far costing $678 million Obamacare enrollment website at
Townes-Whitley and his Princeton classmate Michelle Obama are both members of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni.

Toni Townes, Pricenton '85, is a onetime policy analyst with the General Accounting Office and previously served in the Peace Corps in Gabon , West Africa .

George Schindler, the president of the CGI Federal's Canadian parent CGI Group, became an Obama 2012 campaign donor after his company gained the Obamacare website contract.

Let's see if we can connect the dots here ...
1.) No American companies considered for building Obamacare's website;
2.) CGI Federal was chosen by God knows which criteria and hired;
3.) CGI Federal was given a NO BID contract worth $93 million;
4.) A top executive at CGI Federal was a Princeton classmate of Michelle Obama;
5.) Previous company's experience was building a gun registry for the Canadian government;
6.) CGI Group was fired by Canadian Government for overruns that cost Canada $100 million;
4.) CGI has continued its practice of overruns as the Obamacare enrollment website has gone from $98 million to costing U.S. tax payers $678 million, and it's still going up.

Does this bother anybody else besides me? 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Why I have always like this man

What a class act Mr. Selleck is. View the video and see how a conservative man can address a liberal woman with respect. He is just a class act, listen! 

Monday, January 13, 2014


For the SHOCK of your life, take 1 minute to comprehend what you read below. During our lifetimes, all Presidents have issued Executive Orders. For various reasons, some have issued more than others. These things will directly affect us all, in years to come. Question is: Do YOU care enough to send this, 'shocking info,' to people you love and others?
NUMBER OF EXECUTIVE ORDERS ISSUED by U.S. Presidents in the last 100 years:

Teddy Roosevelt - 3
All Others until FDR - 0
FDR - 11 in 16 years
Truman - 5 in 7 years
Ike - 2 in 8 years
Kennedy - 4 in 3 years
LBJ - 4 in 5 years
Nixon - 1 in 6 years
Ford - 3 in 2 years
Carter - 3 in 4 years
Reagan - 5 in 8 years
Bush - 3 in 4 years
Clinton - 15 in 8 years
George W. Bush - 62 in 8 years
Obama - 923 in 3 1/2 years! More than 1000+ and counting Executive Orders in 6 years...
Read some of them below – unbelievable!
Next step -dictatorship... (Looks like we are there already!)

If you don't get the implications, you're not paying attention. How come all the other presidents in the past 100 years have not felt it necessary to INCREASE GOVERNMENT’S POWER OVER THE PEOPLE with more than 1,000 Executive Orders? This is really very scary. And most Americans have absolutely no idea what is happening.

Even some Democrats in the House have turned on him, plus a very small number of Democrat Senators have questioned him. Rightfully so. -
Remember what he told Russia's Putin: "I'll be more flexible after I'm re-elected".

Now look at these:
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 --allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 --allows the government to seize and control the communication media.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 --allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 --allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 -- allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 --allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 --designates the registration of all persons. Postmaster General to operate a national registration.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 -- allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 --allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 --allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 --assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 --specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 --grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 --allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. Financial institution in any undefined national emergency.Italso provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months.
Feel free to verify the "executive orders" at will.....and these are just the major ones. I'm sure you've all heard the tale of the "Frog in the Pot"... Watch Obama's actions, not his words! By his actions he will show you where America is headed.

Obama has issued executive orders that seek to "harmonize" U.S. Economic regulations with the rest of the world. These executive orders are yet another incremental step that is pushing us closer to a North American Union and a one world economic system.
Obama used the stage at the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s I have a dream speech to announce two new executive orders infringing on your second amendment rights.. The first bans the importation of antique military firearms for sale to sportsman and collectors.. He intentionally mislabels them military grade weapons to deceive the sheeply, but make no mistake . . . the order was written specifically to ban the importation of surplus M1 carbines, M1 Garands, 1903 Springfields and other antiques coveted by collectors and sport shooters. This order is the death knell for the civilian marksmanship program. Congress had previously passed the sportsman protection act in 1986 which among other things guaranteed that the importation of the historic relics for collectors and the CMP would not be impeded by unreasonable regulations..But Emperor Obama does not bend to the will of the people or the rule of law.. He will impose on his subjects what he wishes, when he wishes. Kind of like Papa Joe Stalin or the short Austrian with the funky mustache!

Unfortunately, most Americans have absolutely no idea what is happening.

The American people need to understand that Barack Obama is constantly looking for ways to integrate the United States more deeply with the rest of the world.
The globalization of the world economy has accelerated under Obama, and this latest executive order represents a fundamental change in U.S. economic policy. Now federal regulators will be required to "harmonize" their work with the international community.