Sunday, March 21, 2010

Stop Barack Hussein Obamas Attack!

"Giving (Congress) a distinct and independent power to do any act they please which may be good for the Union, would render all the preceding and subsequent enumerations of power completely useless. It would reduce the whole (Constitution) to a single phrase, that of instituting a Congress with power to do whatever would be for the good of the United States; and as sole judges of the good or evil, it would be also a power to do whatever evil they please. Certainly, no such universal power was meant to be given them." –Thomas Jefferson

This 2,600 page abortion called the (Obama care) health bill and how the Democrat controlled congress is attempting to pass this unconstitutional law is beyond outrages!

This is Treason!

Their actions are a direct attack on the constitution of the United States for America and they all need arrested and put on trial for this crime against America!

The Constitution is very clear, as are the writings of our founding Father Thomas Jefferson, “that of instituting a Congress with power to do whatever would be for the good of the United States; and as sole judges of the good or evil, it would be also a power to do whatever evil they please. Certainly, no such universal power was meant to be given them."

To consider such a law (Obama Care) is a violation of all the founding fathers have spoken about in a limited Government with checks and balances.

If these constitutional terrorist (Obama and his congressional cronies) indeed find a way to destroy the constitutional of the United States of America, the military that has sworn an oath to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, they must step in.

The citizens of the USA need to stand united against this enemy attack from the administration and congress. The vast majority of our citizens have voiced their opinion on the government takeover of the America health care system. They do not want this OBAMA BILL. Yet he insist that he knows what is best for us, (with power to do whatever would be for the good of the United States) that he is right and the American people are wrong. He, Barack Hussein Obama, was elected (One Big Ass Mistake America) by the people to serve at the pleasure of and to conduct the wishes of the American citizens.

He (Obama) is in direct violation of his office and if the situation is not corrected by the American people very soon, he and the his fool following in congress will end the America that your parents and all of our forefathers have fought and died to build and defend!

Stand up! .............or lay down and take your medicine.

I am proud to post this blog, disgusted at the need to,

The Mad American



Anonymous said...

Mad American, you are not alone. There are millions of us who think just as you do. Keep up your effort! and may God Bless America!

Anonymous said...

Agreed! Put them all in the can! This is diabolical effort to destroy America. The Generals need to take control before this bunch ruins America.