Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tax payer money and quality news!

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) subsidized a study attempting to find out if a gay man’s penis size has any correlation with his sexual health. (Now, my tax money is being spent on measuring a bunch of gay guys penises?)

The research, titled “The Association between Penis Size and Sexual Health among Men Who Have Sex with Men,” began in 2006 and surveyed 1,065 gay men. Among its key findings: Those gay men who felt they had small or inadequate penis sizes were more likely to become “bottoms,” or anal receptive, while gay men with larger penises were more likely to identify themselves as “tops,” or anal insertive. (And I need to know this why? Will this be taught to little Johnny in school? Will your children measure up each other now to see who is the TOP dog?)

Another discovery from the research: men with smaller penises were more likely to be psychologically troubled than those with larger genitalia. The goal of the study was to understand the “real individual-level consequences of living in a penis-centered society.” (There it is…only guys with big penises rise to the top!)

The researchers at Hunter College Center for HIV/AIDS Educational Studies Training (CHEST) got taxpayer money as part of an NIH grant that went to Public Health Solutions and the National Development and Research Institutes, Inc. (NDRI).

(What happened to don’t ask don’t tell?) (or in the words of Monty Walsh, “you really don’t know how much I don’t care!”)

 Does this study give a new meaning to, bowing or bending over?
Surely not, right???

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