Friday, March 9, 2012

Why Obama wants a War in America

I am so very sorry that this man is in office. What a huge mistake Americans made when they were duped by his slick words of hope and change.
What was not understood by most Americans is that Obama hoped he could change America into a total socialistic state in 4 years. He came close, very close, but he want 4 more years to make sure he destroys the enemy. The enemy is you and I, our way of life, our American life style. 
The cover up for Obama, his history of radicalism and anti-American views are unbelievable!

The attack continues;
Obama and his cronies in the Senate still want higher gas prices!

The Senate on Thursday rejected an attempt to fast-track the Keystone XL pipeline — barely.

The White House and Democratic leadership squeaked out a 56-42 vote on an amendment to the Senate’s highway bill, winning only because 60 votes were needed for passage.

President Barack Obama had personally lobbied Democrats with phone calls urging them to oppose the measure, as Republicans continue to push the pipeline as a job-creating project needed in these days of high gasoline prices.
Why??? Why in the name of all that is right, would Obama lobby congress to block a pipe line of oil into America? Why???????????????

Please, send this blog to people you know. Have them make an informed decision this next election. We must stop the war on Americans.

Harvard University Law School professor Charles Ogletree admitted that he hid controversial video footage featuring a college-age President Obama speaking at a campus rally in support of a radical professor.
"I hid this during the 2008 campaign," Ogletree said in the video. "I don't care if they find it now." Why did he hide it? Why are Obama’s school records sealed? Why are there investigations as to how Obama was able to attend such schools? Who supported him? Did he indeed get admitted as a foreign student?
Bell has been described as the Jeremiah Wright of academia. I think we remember the “G..Damn America, preacher and church that Obama attended”
 Please, send this blog to people you know. Have them make an informed decision this next election. We must stop the war on Americans.

Let us hear from you, send in your comments! 

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